Rating: 3 Guns
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A modern day foursome, Tres Bien combines a very sixties sound taking elements from the Beatles, the Animals and the Monkeys. The band was featured on the competition show “The Next Great American Band”.
“The Way We Know” has been the band’s MySpace page and I just absolutely love it. It is very poppy, but still rock.
“Heard No More” has a great rift and reminded me of the song “The Last Train To Clarksville”. It is has a surf quality to it.
“Time For A Change” and “The West” has a very bluesy feel and lead vocalist Mikey Bostinto does a great job as does the rest of the band to create a very somber tone.
I am not sure who won “The Next Great American Band”, but to me I am surprised Tres Bien didn’t win. The EP Tree is a perfect album to tie you over until the full length album comes. You can get the album on their MySpace page or iTunes.